June 8, 2011

How to Change Number of Posts Shown on Your Blogger Feed

As a Blogger user, you might have already using a Feed Management Service such as FeedBurner, which optimize your raw feed for readers to subscribe easily and to gain more traffic to your content. If you haven't redirected your feed to FeedBurner, read How to Create a Blogger Feed using Google FeedBurner. As and when you publish a new post on your blog, Blogger automatically updates your feed and syndicate to your Feed Management Service. But by default Blogger is feeding only recent 25 blog posts. What if you wanna change the number of posts being showed on your feed?

Yeah, it is. There's a limit of posts being displayed on your feed. You can notice that by default Blogger feed shows only recent 25 posts on your blog. But what if you wanna show more or less posts? Actually you can't show 100s of posts on your redirected feed because most services don't accept feeds larger than 512 Kilobytes. Because of that reason, sometimes Feed management Services doesn't accept your feed if its size larger than 512 Kilobytes. Then you have to reduce number of posts shown on your feed.

However sometimes you may wanna shift 25 posts limit to show more posts. Then, you can make use of alterations to your original feed address when you syndicate blog feed to external feed management service. Let's get to know more about it.

Usually if you process your feed with a Feed Management Service such as FeedBurner, most probably you may have provided one of below feed addresses to syndicate 25 recent content.





As you seeking a way to display more posts or less posts in your feed, you just need to modify your original feed address specified at your Feed Management Service by appending redirect & max-results parameters to the end of the feed URL with the value of maximum number of posts to be displayed.





Color Indication Information:

   - Your Blog URL

Specify your blog address

   - The Maximum Number of Posts to Display

Here this refers to maximum number of posts to be appeared on your feed. Specify maximum number of posts you need to be shown on your redirected feed. But keep in mind, some services may not accept feeds larger than 512 Kilobytes and you may have to lower the value at such a scenario.

Enjoy :-)

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Qairel Latif said...

it only show text.. :((.. help please ~X(

Mayura De Silva said...

Hi Latif,

Could you please drop your affected site or feed URL?


Matheus said...

Thank you alot!!! :D

Mayura De Silva said...

You are welcome Matheus :)


Mayura De Silva said...

You are welcome Srinath :) I think you are talking about Google Webmaster Tools. Actually you don't need to resubmit your feed as Google crawl your pages as soon as possible. But resubmitting will help Google to index your content more faster. So I recommend you to resubmit your sitemap.


Mayura De Silva said...

Crawling process is an algorithmic process. It determines how often your pages gonna crawl. So it depends mate :) If you have more older posts still showing older title, you may submit an XML sitemap. It will help search engines to find and crawl your pages easily, including old pages. Read How to Submit Your Website to Search Engines. However you need to exercise patience for few days.


Mayura De Silva said...

You are always welcome mate :)


Nico said...

Can't select or copy paste your snippets, what's the point of this site?

Mayura De Silva said...

Hi Nico,

Sorry for the inconvenience! Just updated the post and hope you can copy links now.

Thanks for letting me know about the issue :) Appreciate it!
