As Google+ social platform evolve on the web, Google started to integrate their Google+ social layer with most of their products. It's really matters if you are willing to engage with users on Google+. Recently Blogger let you integrate your Google+ profile with Blogger. So if you have already integrated your Google+ profile, now you may experiencing some new features and eligible to experience upcoming Google+ features too. However with the integration, you would find a prompting prefilled Google+ share box immediately after publishing a post on Blogger. Did you find it helpful?

Yeah it may helpful if you wanna share your posts on Google+ immediately after publishing. But some users may find it annoying. Are you one of that users? Blogger has made most changes from it's revamp and now it's mostly concentrate on Google+ integration. As it happens now, recently you may invited to experience Google+ features on Blogger by connecting your Google+ profile. After connecting your Google+ profile, you would find features like enable sharing your posts via Posts tab or right after publishing a post. However if you are not fond of sharing your posts right after publishing your posts, Blogger let you opt out from this feature. Let's see how to opt out.
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
2. Click on your Blog Title.
3. Jump to Google+ tab.

4. Uncheck the option Share my posts from this account to Google+.
5. Now your change will save automatically.
Enjoy :-)
Thank you for this. I was getting pretty annoyed with those constant boxes after publishing a post.
You are welcome mate :) Yeah, that was sort of annoying thing for me too.
Thank you! I am still figuring out how to Google+ my stuff and was annoyed at the prompt to share. Too bad they decided to make that a default on instead of off.
You're welcome Greg :) Absolutely, I can't agree with you anymore. They should've think twice before making it default and I found it really annoying as you did. However at last they've made it optional with this setting on it. So no more prompting.
Thanks for stopping by and adding your ideas Greg :)
It was really annoying, thanks for sharing this tips!
Hi Rahul,
Yeah, it is mate :) Glad we have an option to disable it. Else we need to close it right after publishing a post. Glad you've make use of it.
Thanks for commenting mate :)
Great! Thanks a lot!
You're welcome Gaby :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting mate :)