Have you been working on the Social Media presence lately? If you are managing a blog or website, you probably have follow buttons in place, inviting everyone interested in to get connected and engage with you or your business on social platforms. You don't have any? You're missing the opportunity! Now you might wanna consider adding follow buttons on your site.
Are You on YouTube?
I don't think I need to define what YouTube is and what's going on in there. You may have been spending hours on that video sharing website, enjoying videos created and shared by other YouTube users. I myself find hard to get away from YouTube once I start exploring videos too.
Now let me narrow down to the video creators here. If you are a video creator, you probably have a YouTube channel for yourself or business to share your creations. YouTube even offering some video editing and enhancing features for video creators too. Anyway, did you invite your site visitors to check out your YouTube videos too?
Extend the Invitation
Online users can find your channel on YouTube, and subscribe if they are interested in your creations. But, as you start building your presence on YouTube, you need to take opportunities to invite everyone and approach your potential subscribers. Unless, waiting until someone finds your channel and videos may need a looooong wait.
If you already have a blog or website, do you have a space for YouTube among other follow buttons? Even you have a button implemented, sending visitors away from your blog or website is less desirable if you wanna lower the bounce rate. How about extending the invitation while keeping your visitors on your site? Visitors might love it too.
YouTube Subscribe Button
Yes, you can! Now YouTube offers an official version of the subscribe button and with that button on, visitors are one click away from being subscribers. Neither they have to leave your blog or website to subscribe to your YouTube channel. Here's how it looks like,

Are you interested? Keep on reading!
1. Search for the </head> or </body> tag in your page's template and add following script just above the tag.
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script>
Note: If you are a Blogger user and don't know how to edit your template, read How to Edit Your Blogger Template.
2. Now select the preferred button style you like to have and add the respective code snippet where you wanna show it.

<div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="[Channel Username or ID]" data-layout="default" data-count="default"></div>
Full Layout

<div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="[Channel Username or ID]" data-layout="full" data-theme="default" data-count="default"></div>
Color Indication Information:
- Channel Username or ID
Specify your YouTube channel username or ID here. If you don't know your channel ID, you can find it at YouTube Advanced Settings page.
- Enable / Disable Count
The subscriber count is shown by default. If you don't wanna show subscriber count along with your button, specify the value hidden here.
- Dark Theme
If you are going to use Full Layout, you can have a dark theme of the button, which is suitable for dark backgrounds. Change the value here to dark, if you prefer dark theme.
Here's how it will looks like:

Enjoy :-)
That's great info buddy. Haven't been involved in creating Youtube vidoes frequently but this month I am trying to create at least 2 videos.
Hope this post will be helpful for me then.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Mayura, I love the new look of your button, thanks for sharing how to with us. I'm hoping to get started by the end of this month with more video. The office is almost done :)
I don't think I want to do this...
at least not now ;)
I only have one or two blogging related videos...everything else (Well, I don't think I have uploaded anything else...perhaps my school projects? That's about it).
I am taking video blogging more seriously (planning to focus on video/audio blogging in April/may - I don't think I can do it now, too many things on my plate).
I do appreciate the tutorial :) Thank you Mayura :D
Hi Mayura, first time to commenting here Really useful to me, one question you have any idea to adding more customization on this subscribe button ? ( Css )
Hi Mayura,
I never knew about this feature but I think the stuff I have the most difficult time is when it's ranking in Google but the page is no longer there. So that's the perfect example of 404 error pages that people need to clean up for their site. That's the most frustrating part for me.
For things like this though I just use my old trusty Ctrl F for my find feature to pop up and I search for specific words and there they are.
Great information though and thanks for sharing this.
Hi Sue,
Interesting! :) Well, Google always found the best suggestions for my questions too. However, it has been time consuming when I had to dig deep into the content to find exact information I was looking for. You know, like going through pages in a forum to find a helpful information lies in few lines :)
Oops! Do you use any cleaner software to get rid of junk files and obsolete registry keys, Sue? My guess is, you have some files or settings interfering with Google Chrome installation.
You can start with a cleaner and find if it solves the issue. Then we can jump into other possible solutions as you gather more clues. Even, you can hit my Support section, so we can follow and resolve that specific browser problem in a separate thread :)
Hope you can get the Chrome browser issue resolved and give this extension a try, Sue :)
Thanks for coming over and sharing your experience with Google Search dear :)
Hi Adrienne,
Ah... The old trusty Ctrl + F ;) Don't we love that combination? That's the combination I used to follow all the time before I bump into this extension dear.
I've come across scenarios where I search for a specific word and it finds over 100 or more results. I've been through few when I had no other choices left too. Hence I find this extension is a time saver for me. Since then, this extension took care of searching within and I just needed to click, click and click ;)
It's funny that Google can tops a page in search results which has a 404 error but not relevant information :) Well, as the crawling takes some time, it can happen though. If Google could show some sort of a notification or sign, that comes in handy though. Nice suggestion for Google Search :)
Hope you will give this a try when you find Ctrl + F couldn't help you find the answer Adrienne :) Until then, enjoy the combination.
Thanks for coming by and adding your thoughts and experience on searching dear :)
Hi Shahzad,
Ha ha... Me neither mate :) But I hope this information comes handy for video creators.
Well, as you gonna start with with videos this month, you can try this official subscribe button if other plugins or widgets can't satisfy you mate. Good luck with your creations! :)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comment, Shahzad :)
Hi Lisa,
I love that reddish glowing look on that button, plus it shows the subscriber count too ;) Small, compared to other widgets I've seen. But cool. Isn't it?
Awesome! So you gonna start with videos soon :) That's something most of your readers have been waiting for Lisa. Good luck with your videos dear :)
Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts on subscribe button dear :)
Hi Jeevan,
Oh wait! Ah yes, not now. I get it mate! When you wanna grab more exposure and if you like to have it on your blog :) Of course, unless other YouTube widget or plugin pleases you.
Ha ha... I'm so not into making appearances in videos, and have no videos at all, Jeevan. Not even school projects :D
It's good to hear you are gonna take it seriously mate :) I'm familiar with your podcasts and I think you did a great job with 'em. You will do great in videos too. Well, looking forward to ;)
Thanks for coming over and adding your thoughts about video creation Jeevan :)
Hi Mate,
You're always welcome and glad you found it's helpful :)
Unfortunately, it has given no custom CSS applications to the buttons. Hence, you have to use the available options. Even if we could, making changes to their official buttons will violate their branding guidelines and they can take actions for violations mate :)
I'm glad you asked that! BTW it's really nice if you can use the real name when commenting too ;) It helps a lot when you establish as a blogger or commenter.
Thanks for coming over and sharing your comment :)
Hi Mayura,
Now this is awesome! Whenever I used to put a Youtube video on my blog, the bounce rates were less. Now with this feature, I could see how people can stay on my blog longer.
As you well know, I'm shopping around and trying to get a new look to my blog and this is a "Must Do" on my list. Thanks so much for always giving the latest and greatest information!
I have changed (Real name) Thanks Mayura for mentioned.
Hi Mayura,
Informative post indeed :)
You know already that I still need to work on YouTube and have been just collecting lots of information on it so that when I start, which I hope happens soon, I'd not have to do much of looking around.
I loved the way you explained everything, so this is definitely getting bookmarked and would be used whenever I start. I have read a few posts earlier too about how to add the subscribe button, but not as clearly explained as here, and that's because you are awesome where such tutorials are concerned.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead :)
Awesome, Noufal! :) Now it's way better mate.
Hi Donna,
Indeed! You noticed it already ;) As YouTube videos keep readers engaged on your blog, it helps lower your bounce rate too. Now with one click subscribe button, you don't have to send your visitors to YouTube for subscription either.
Yeah, I read your last post about blog makeover dear :) You can come up with best stuff to keep your readers engaged more and awaiting to see your next move with the blog, Donna. Hope you will get more subscriptions via this button implemented too.
Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts about the youTube subscribe button dear :)
Hi Harleena,
Great! Now that's really a wonderful news dear :) So you and Lisa gonna shoot videos this year, eh? I'd love to experience the creations of you both.
That's very kind of you and thanks for the compliments Harleena :) May be, 'cause it's far too easy to implement? All you have to do is copying and pasting, and you are ready to go.
I'm really happy as YouTube finally came up with something official :) Else, I've seen other types of third party widgets all over. Now this can contribute to the bounce rate too ;)
Thanks for coming over, and sharing your plans and thoughts on this official button Harleena :)
You have a wonderful weekend dear!
Thanks mate :)
Just had to check I could get through that perimeter fence, Mayura - you need to pay some attention to your security, because I've sneaked under the wire!
As you know, I haven't made any videos, but think this is an excellent tutorial for anyone with a YouTube channel - very clear instructions and screenshots, as always :)
Will definitely share it for followers who may be interested :)
Hi Sue,
The alarm didn't go crazy 'cause I still had you in the "Whitelist" dear. Glad your lab didn't follow you this time. BTW hope this secret stays in between you and me :D
Now, don't you find it's quite an easy peasy tutorial to follow? Actually, two lines of codes ;)
Like you, I don't have any videos created but I believe this will come in handy for bloggers who are almost into videos Sue :) Thanks for your kind words and I hope your friends and followers enjoy it too.
Thanks for coming by and contributing your thoughts about the YouTube subscribe button dear :)
That's how blogging goes. You stuck with confusions and figure out :) See how much you have learnt so far.
You can always use search bar up there and reach out at the Support as you did dear :)
Glad to help you out!
Hi Mayura,
Thank you so much for another great step y step. This makes me want to go check my subscribe button on YouTube.
So, far I haven't paid too much attention on YouTube for traffic, but I know that it's time to get going.
One reason I haven't is that since I've purchased my new computer Windows 8 and now I'm at 8.1 back in June 2013, I do NOT know how to record a video with it. What a shame hun? Maybe you could actually tell me how in the world I can record a video with Windows 8 :) I'd really like that!
Hi Sylviane,
You're welcome dear :) I hope you will give it a thought and determine what subscribe button is the best to have.
I know you have been fond of creating videos and yeah, it may be the time to think about getting the attention of YouTube viewers. I've heard many success stories, and even they could earn money out of it.
Oops! Are you referring to recording via Webcam or just screen recording, Sylviane? :) As I know many users use Camtasia for screen recording and editing. For Webcam, I'd need more details about your device then.
Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts about YouTube and subscribe button, Sylviane :)
Hey Mayura,
It's funny but I actually added this a couple weeks ago. I had an older video on how to do this because I had this on my blog a while back but over the course of the years we all play around and change things you know. Of course I get over there and the look has completely changed but I like this one much better.
Great job my friend and you always explain things really well.
Hi Mayura, I love this. I have been doing quite a bit of video over the last 6 months and am going to step it up again so thanks for the tips and great tutorial. I am going to add this.
I have been trying to get over to your blog here for days to check this out and I made it :-)
You do such great tutorial Mayura.
I hope you are having a nice weekend.
Hi Sue,
Owh Yeah! You have been creating interesting videos, consistently and no longer new to YouTube either :)
Great! I hope this new YouTube subscribe button makes it easy for your blog visitors to subscribe and enjoy your videos dear. Well, you can observe the conversion rate.
Thanks for coming over and contributing your comment on this topic, Sue :) No rush on coming over dear - None at all. Stop by at your convenience.
You have a wonderful week there now :)
Very cool, Mayura! I don't do enough YouTube videos to warrant asking for subscribers, but I will share this very helpful article for those who do. I especially appreciate the advice on how to make the background dark. That looks very professional!
Hi Carolyn,
Cool indeed and it looks great, isn't it? :) Well, I'm with you there as I don't have any video uploaded in YouTube either. But thought it might come in handy for those who does. However, I'm excited as it's official and they haven't had any sort of an official widget or button until then :)
Mmm... So you prefer the one with dark background? ;) I agree! It looks professional and quite seem derived from Google+ widget look and feel.
Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts about the YouTube subscribe buttons, Carolyn :)
Well, well recently I planned to have a video for one of my blog post and wanted to plant it over my youtube channel but didn't knew how to add the subscription so that people can remain updated with or posts and videos if we share over YouTube channel.
Thanks for the help.
Hi Charmie,
Awesome! :) You're right about having the YouTube subscription widget implemented. So your fans will keep enjoyin' your new videos too.
I'm glad you could use a help here and made it happen :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it too.
Thanks for the great post!
I have a doubt! How can we change the word 'YouTube' to 'Subscribe' on the button?
I need to fix this... Please help me!
Thanks in advance..