How many posts you have displayed on homepage of your blog? On Blogger, your homepage usually displays latest content you have published. Homepage of a blog is critical as it can gain more exposure on content. Visitors land on your blog tend to scan homepage of a blog to understand what content has been published and read through if interested. If you feel that your homepage isn't displaying enough number of posts or got many number of lengthy posts which makes your homepage laggy, you may wanna change the number of posts shown on your homepage. Interested to know how? Here it goes.
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
2. Click on your Blog Title.
3. Navigate to Layout tab.
3. Navigate to Layout tab.
4. Now find the element Blog Posts.
5. Click on Edit link correspond to the element Blog Posts.
6. There you can find the heading Main Page Options and under that you can specify number of posts to be shown on your homepage using the option Number of posts on main page.
7. Save element after setting number of posts to be shown.
7. Save element after setting number of posts to be shown.
Enjoy :-)
Most of the current templates available now actually does no longer heed to your above tutorial. im having troubles with the number of posts with most of the available templates because of the limit that is set by the template creator. do you have a tutorial How to Change the Number of Posts Shown on Homepage in Blogger inside the coding instead?
Hi Juan,
You may be referring to Dynamic Views :) Except for 'em, layout templates need this feature to control number of posts on home page. Some bloggers need only one post on home page, while others show multiple posts. So this option matters.
Blogger imposed restrictions on showing too much posts on home page, so though you specify 100 there, it won't show your latest 100 posts, but up to allowed number of posts on home page to prevent lagging and improve loading time.
As Blogger defines layout tags, template creator doesn't responsible for this limitation as they have not allowed to override that specification. So, we can't go with coding for it in a easy way.
Dear Friends Its Not Working .can You have Second Method
Hi Imtiaz,
You may be using a custom template, else it works well :) Unfortunately I don't know of alternative mate. Try googling for alternative :)