Hi tweeps, how are you doing? Ohw, are you a tweep? I mean are you on Twitter? Twitter is a great way to connect with similar interested people and to stay it touch with updates happen around the world. Unlike other social networks, Twitter help you to communicate instantly and easily with your friends. Also lately few of friends and I was able to help out another Twitter friend on Twitter too. It was such a great experience for me on Twitter. It's the wonder of social media. isn't it? If you are on Twitter, I wanna ask you two simple questions, you know, just for fun though - (i) When did you join Twitter? (ii) How often do you Tweet?
Do you know answers for any of them? May be you are really good with dates and remember the date of your account created. Else what? Can you find it out on your Twitter profile? Nope. I think you might wanna contact Twitter and ask them right now. Yeah, they are two simple questions you wanna ask from Twitter. But wait... lately I've come across a interesting tweet from Twitter about a simple service to find out when your Twitter account created. Neville Ridley-Smith is the one who created this solution. And further as I dig more, I was able to find another similar service linked with. So I just thought it would be fun and cool sharing with you here to find answers for above mentioned two simple questions. But I know, you may find them useful sometimes too.
When Did You Join Twitter
Recently I found this one as a really cool one on the web. No... it's not about analyzing your tweets or scheduling them. It's just help you to find out when did you join Twitter. But what for? Does it advantageous for you? No, not really. It's just in case if you wanna find out the exact date. It's just for fun and I think you will find it really cool as I am. Also you can find out when your friends and interested people joined with Twitter. So are you curious about the exact date you created your Twitter account?
i. Navigate to When Did You Join Twitter website.
ii. Enter your Twitter username without preceding @ sign in the text box.
iii. Click Find out! button and see when that Twitter account created.
How Often Do You Tweet
This is another cool service for you to find out your tweeting frequency. However it's just analyze your tweets and come up with an average number. Cool, isn't it? Yeah, finding frequency won't helpful for you. I get it. Make sure to keep this in your "Fun & Cool Services" directory. But it may helpful to you to find out the frequency of tweeting of other people. Let me put it in this way. Think you wanna follow someone on Twitter for future updates. But the person may be tweet too much or flooding and you can't even catch up useful tweets 'cause soon they bury even on his profile. So you can make use of this service to find out is it worth following before you follow him. Sometimes you can use it before you unfollow someone due to flooding or on certain cases too. The algorithm behind this one is really simple. I've contacted developer to ask about that and his reply was "it's very simplistic = total number of tweets divided by days since you joined twitter".
i. Navigate to How Often Do You Tweet website.
ii. Enter your Twitter username without preceding @ sign in the given text box.
iii. Click Find out! button and see average performance of corresponding Twitter account.
Enjoy :-)
I was afraid of to see how often I tweet and I think it came out lower - 15.6. I thought I tweeted more than that or does it not count re-tweets? or conversations? Very Interesting. I also found the date I joined on http://www.twitterstates.com/ but I think it's for US residents only. Funny I just logged in there and it had the same stat: 15.6 tweets per day. Guess I don't tweet as often as I think :) Thanks Mayura - cool post.
I can't agree with that number for you Lisa ;) I know how you tweet on Twitter. BTW it may not count retweets or just varies with time on Twitter. You know what, Mashable comes up with 27.5 ;) The algorithm was doubtful, so I didn't wanna mention it. However same algorithm for all and differentiate accordingly. Still trying to catch up developer though :) However TwitterStats par with this one too :D Let's see what's going on. BTW it's all fun.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting Lisa :)
Have a great weekend...
Very interesting...and I am signed up on Twitter but I think trying to divide my time between my 'real' job, my family, my blog, and facebook it just got to be too much so I don't keep up with Twitter anymore~
Thanks Tracy :) At first I thought as you did. Never found Twitter useful for me that time. If you just don't wanna spend more time for Twitter, just don't leave it. Share your blog updates on it. If you don't have much time to share them, just automate it. Further keep contacts with or follow interesting people as you find and check your Twitter account when you get more free time. Slowly you will find it useful and meet new friends with similar interests too. If you got smartphone, installing Twitter app is the best way to keep in touch with updates or notifications related to your account. So just try it. It's better than giving it up at all :)
Hi Mayura,
I had also signed up with Twitter States like Lisa did and it says that I tweet on average only 13.8 tweets a day. I guess they are averaging those out over time because I don't tweet that much on the weekend and some days are much more than others. I'm also thinking they aren't sharing retweets but either way it doesn't really matter to me. I tweet what's necessary and that's what counts right.
I also keep an excel spreadsheet of all the accounts I've signed up for and the date I signed up so I already knew that I joined Twitter back on August 11, 2008. Yep, I've been around awhile for sure.
This is cool for those that want to know. Can be fun too.
Yeah Adrienne :) It's kinda fun. You and Lisa are great tweeps on Twitter and I can tell those numbers are not near enough as my experience :) However it doesn't count retweets and we can miss out tweeting but clock is ticking always. So time has a great impact in calculation :) As you've implied, what matters most is what you have been tweeting.
Excel spreadsheet? :) That's cool. I heard people writing down dates and believe me some people are really good with dates. They remember those days and what they did. But that's not me and today is what matters ;)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting Adrienne :)