Do you have a Google account? I presume you have. Would you mind allowing me to access your Google account. Yeah, you can trust me. Any problem with that?! Well, I'm just asking. Personally, I'd be nervous enough to give away my login credentials for someone ;) To be honest, I'd say NO! There could be scenarios where you would share login information with your best friend, spouse, co-worker etc. But, what if someone accessing your Google account without your knowledge?
Using strong passwords is a best practice to secure your online accounts. You might never know your account has been compromised until end of the story. So take preventative measures whenever you can, especially when it comes to security. My friends shared very helpful and easy to use tools for that matter. If you are thinking about it right now, head over to Barry's Creating and Using Secure Passwords With Ease and Adrienne's How To Access Your Passwords Easily posts to get started.
Now it's not about using strong passwords I'm intending to talk here, neither how to stay away from suspicious content. Eventhough you have strong and unique passwords that no one ever would take a guess, still there can be security holes in services you are using to access your accounts. You can trust Google for that matter, but hackers never invite you to the party until you become a victim.
Transparency always boost the trust among related parties. If we talk about transparency, Google is ingenious. If you know what I mean ;) Eventhough you considered all the preventative measures, how would you know whether someone accessing your account or is it only you? On Facebook you can notify if someone else accessing your account. Further, Google has an answer for you.
Google let you review activity for your Google accounts and related Google products and services, by aligning with their privacy policy.
For example you can see how many emails you have sent and received via Gmail, how many videos you have been viewing on YouTube and so on. It's suppose to reveal most of data that Google is tracking about you to result productive outcome.
Google Account Activity provide users a monthly summary of their account activity across many Google products and services. It depends on the Google services you are engaged in. It helps users to identify what is going on with their accounts and trending actions. As Google depicts, the exclusive reason for this feature is to focus on users' account security.
The best part is, it reveals the location, browsers and platforms you were using when you sign in for Google products or services. You already know I'm from Sri Lanka and I'm logging into my Google account via computer and smartphone. So here's what my account activity reports to me.
I'm SAFE here. Likewise, you can take a look at yours and see if you have any suspicious information on the activity report.
Let's say you are from United Kingdom and the report has multiple locations in addition to United Kingdom. Something fishy going on, eh? Unless you have shared your login credentials with someone else, you can take necessary steps to secure your account such as resetting password, but you have to wait for next month's activity report to confirm that no one else been accessing your account since the password change.
It's simple. Isn't it? But still Google has some known issues with this service. Please take few seconds to check them out just to make sure you are not gonna fall for a known issue. Best is yet to come :)
Strong Passwords
Using strong passwords is a best practice to secure your online accounts. You might never know your account has been compromised until end of the story. So take preventative measures whenever you can, especially when it comes to security. My friends shared very helpful and easy to use tools for that matter. If you are thinking about it right now, head over to Barry's Creating and Using Secure Passwords With Ease and Adrienne's How To Access Your Passwords Easily posts to get started.
Preventative Measures
Now it's not about using strong passwords I'm intending to talk here, neither how to stay away from suspicious content. Eventhough you have strong and unique passwords that no one ever would take a guess, still there can be security holes in services you are using to access your accounts. You can trust Google for that matter, but hackers never invite you to the party until you become a victim.
Transparency always boost the trust among related parties. If we talk about transparency, Google is ingenious. If you know what I mean ;) Eventhough you considered all the preventative measures, how would you know whether someone accessing your account or is it only you? On Facebook you can notify if someone else accessing your account. Further, Google has an answer for you.
Google Account Activity
Google let you review activity for your Google accounts and related Google products and services, by aligning with their privacy policy.
For example you can see how many emails you have sent and received via Gmail, how many videos you have been viewing on YouTube and so on. It's suppose to reveal most of data that Google is tracking about you to result productive outcome.
Google Account Activity provide users a monthly summary of their account activity across many Google products and services. It depends on the Google services you are engaged in. It helps users to identify what is going on with their accounts and trending actions. As Google depicts, the exclusive reason for this feature is to focus on users' account security.
The best part is, it reveals the location, browsers and platforms you were using when you sign in for Google products or services. You already know I'm from Sri Lanka and I'm logging into my Google account via computer and smartphone. So here's what my account activity reports to me.

I'm SAFE here. Likewise, you can take a look at yours and see if you have any suspicious information on the activity report.
Let's say you are from United Kingdom and the report has multiple locations in addition to United Kingdom. Something fishy going on, eh? Unless you have shared your login credentials with someone else, you can take necessary steps to secure your account such as resetting password, but you have to wait for next month's activity report to confirm that no one else been accessing your account since the password change.
It's simple. Isn't it? But still Google has some known issues with this service. Please take few seconds to check them out just to make sure you are not gonna fall for a known issue. Best is yet to come :)
Before You Go:
You are required to login to your Google account before opt in to Google Account Activity reports.
1. Go to Google Account Activity page.
2. Set your timezone and opt in to Google Account Activity Report.

3. You will be notified when a new report is available for your account via email.
More Information:
* You may need to verify your password each time you navigate to Google Account Activity Report page because this service involves your personal information.
* You can delete your reports at anytime.
* If you think someone else has gained access to your account after reviewing your activity report, reset your password immediately. If you have no access to your account right now, submit a Google Account Recovery Form.
Enjoy :-)
Wow! This is fantastic Mayura! I'm definitely going to check this out. I have come to understand nothing is safe, truly safe in the Internet, so take all precautions necessary to keep my stuff as safe as possible.
Thanks for sharing this!
Hi Mayura,
I'm SO glad I knew this one ;)
It feels nice when I know of some of the wonderful information you share on your blog, especially for me who is not much of a tech kind of a person. I discovered this long back when I'd visited another friend's blog. I guess all is well and safe with me because I have mine shared in 2 places - with me and my hubby, and it always stays like that unless of course, he isn't using his account.
I like the fact that you can also get to know about your emails and YouTube details, so in a way you have it all in one place too.
Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice week ahead, and I do hope your workload has lessened down a bit now :)
Something more Google users should read :) Thanks for posting it. I also use 2-step verification.
I didn't know about this at all Mayura so I'd better go and check it out.
I don't really use my Gmail account and my Youtube account is sadly lacking too but I've no idea if anyone else has been using them for something untoward either!
Hi Mayura,
That's easy enough to set up for sure, and it's so easy to be able to tell if someone has got into your account.
Unfortunately, some people who have nothing better to do will always try to hack accounts that are not theirs, so we need to be protected.
Thanks for this tip, Mayura.
Thanks very much for this, Mayura - you've reminded me it's high time I changed my password for Google. I use the LastPass password manager, which makes it a lot easier to have strong passwords and change them regularly without too much hassle.
Right - now I'm off to check my account activity.... :)
Thanks Mayura, this is something to really check out. I had not checked it out yet. And I have several gmail accounts.
That's great Mayura! I didn't know about that and really appreciate your informative posts. Thanks for educating us!
Hi Brenda,
I agree! :) Nothing's safe online though we believe so at some points.
Well, I hope you will go through your account activity reports and find you are safe there. You know, access to Google account means access to all products / services lies within.
Thanks for stopping by and contributing your thoughts Brenda :)
Hi Harleena,
Ha ha... I should find something you don't know next time :D lol...
I know Harleena. It always feel better to know something advance before you read it somewhere else, especially about something you think you are not good at or keep up with :)
However I've written about it once it introduced by Google, but again I've recycling the old post and updating with new features dear. I think it didn't get attention earlier on as it's especially about security :)
Glad to hear you are safe there and you know, Google account is the centralized account for all products / services of Google. So in future, you will be able to see more details about the products you use except for Gmail and YouTube :)
Yeah Harleena, as I did most of 'em before the deadline I've got extra time :) But again, on it.
Thanks for coming over and sharing your thoughts on Google Account Activity Harleena :)
You have a nice week too dear :)
Hi Linda,
Exactly! It allows Google users to find if someone else accessing your account and you can make sure by referring to the monthly reports it generates :)
Glad to hear you have set up 2 step verification too dear :) It adds another layer of security for your account. Be always secure ;)
Thanks for coming over and sharing your thoughts on this topic Linda :)
Hi Tim,
I hope you would like to find out it's you're the only one using Google account :) You know, it includes your Google+ account too.
Any one has access to your Google account has authority to manage products / services comes under your account.
Aha... So you are not using Gmail much :) However I hope account activity report helps ensure safety of your account mate.
Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts on Google Account Activity Tim :)
Hi Sylviane,
Of course dear :) See, few steps and you are good to go.
I agree there Sylviane. Hackers looking out for ways to spoil everything for someone, even it has nothing to do with 'em. Beware, 'cause sometimes rivals are there even you don't know about 'em.
Now you can review report and take any actions if needed dear :) Prevention better than cure, right?
Thanks for coming by and contributing your thoughts on this topic dear :)
Hi Sue,
I see you are very careful about the security of your online accounts dear :) Everyone should be. We can't predict when someone gonna hack us or if someone has access, he/she may use it for some other purposes too, nah? It's about personal data.
Now Google Account Activity report will help you to know more about your account and you can make sure it's only you or not :) Else, we wouldn't know that, right?
Anyway seems you are busy over there :)
Thanks for coming over and sharing your thoughts on this topic dear :)
Hi Lisa,
Aha... Several Gmail accounts mean several Google accounts :) You probably see your mobile browser in there as you always use mobile.
I've read some apps might access Google account too. Always better to aware of permissions when installing apps. Well, you can find out about it through your reports :)
Thanks for coming over and contributing your thoughts Lisa :)
Hi Debbie,
Better safe than sorry, eh? :) Now you can keep track of your Google accounts and ensure they are safe. If not, time to change the password :)
Thanks for dropping by and sharing your views Debbie :)
Hi Corina,
I don't wanna repeat what you have said, 'cause others will know then :D lol...
Keep 'em updated Corina 'cause you never know what will happen next. Sometimes you may not be the primary target, but in the end, it might affect on yours too.
Now I think you can ensure safety of your Google account by reviewing the reports and you will know when to update your passwords again ;)
Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts Corina :)
Great safety precautions to know. I use double login for safety with my cell phone. A few days ago I got 5 messages with security codes. This meant that someone got my password and tried to break into my account.
I haven't checked my Google account activity. Doing it right now. Thanks Mayura for your great contribution to our networking community. :)
I did not know this at all. I'm going to definitely check this out. And I want to use Adrienne's suggestion for Lastpass too. Thanks as ever for more useful tips.
Hello Mayura, As always great info you can never have to much security on the web. Thanks so much for posting this. Have a great day my friend
Hello Mayrua,
Happy to hear the info and I am glad that I am using this. Absolutely a nice feature
to eliminate security threat and 100% needed. Data security and
information is key over net.
I happened to come across some time back the situation and Google
alerts this through mail and was very useful. :)
I would say whom ever shares their mail access with multiple
people this is a must one. Thanks for sharing the informative post friend. :)
Hi Mayura,
Thanks Mayura, this is really awesome. I am glad to learn about this today and I did go to Google Account Activity and they emailed me the report. Awesome.
Thanks Mayura for sharing this with us. Have a great rest of the week.
Be Blessed,
Very good post Maurya and I would like to add one point here you could protect your Google Account from Suspicious Activity by simply putting your Mobile Number, so that whenever and wherever you will log Google will send SMS to your Mobile phone and ask you to enter and it makes you further safe
Read my rescent post on http://niceblogging.com/should-i-buy-google-adsense-account-or-not/
Hi Margarita,
Now I can see you already taken preventative actions to improve security of your Google account :) 2-step verification is a very helpful security feature.
Gosh... 5 messages? Of course, someone is trying to access your account then. I hope the security question you set up is something hard to guess :)
I think it's better you check on your activity reports too dear :) Better safe than sorry, no? :)
Thanks for coming over and sharing your thoughts on this topic Margarita :)
Hi Amy,
Yeah, it will ensure safety of your Google account dear :) You can check out for suspicious activities there.
Strong passwords keep it more safe. So LastPass will be a good choice for you as you don't wanna remember passwords at all :) You can read about it at Adrienne's place.
BTW Nice profile picture Amy :)
Thank for coming by and contributing your thoughts dear :)
Hey Rob,
Exactly mate :) Online security is not something we can count for even with all the security measures but it's always wise to take preventative actions, no? :)
I hope you will find some interesting facts of your account too mate :)
Thanks for coming by and adding your thoughts Robert :)
Hi Manickam,
Ha ha... I'd be surprised if you didn't know mate ;)
Good point! Sometimes people share their login information with folks they trust but a simple mistake can do a lot of damage. Indeed activity report allows to see for any suspicious activities, so better review it as and when available :)
Thanks for coming by and adding your thoughts on account security Manickam :)
Hi Neamat,
It's simple. Isn't it? :) Aha... So taking action rightaway!
It's always a good idea to stick with security reports and keep eyes on suspicious activities dear. It's all about your data stored in your account :)
You don't wanna go there everytime 'cause you will get notifications when new reports available :) Simple as that.
Thanks for coming by and adding your thoughts on Google Account Activity Neamat :)
You have a wonderful weekend ahead dear :)
Hello Mayura,
Great Share.!
after reading this article i Change my Google account Security.! Thanks for sharing and writing ;)
Stay updated and Stay rocking ;) :p
Hello Mosam,
It's always wise to take actions on securing your online accounts. Isn't it mate? ;)
I'm glad to hear you have taken action right away and you can find out i someone else accessing your account through reports now mate :)
Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts on this topic Mosam :)