July 30, 2014

How to Disable Autoplay Videos in Facebook

Can you recollect discussing about embedding YouTube videos? Yes, we did. One of the features it offers is, enabling autoplay of videos. If autoplay is turned on, the reader / visitor doesn't need to click play button to start the video. Instead, as soon as the page loads, the video or playlist starts playing automatically. Sounds annoying. Isn't it? But it has a few uses too. Hmm... There's a time and place.

March 30, 2014

Show Related Posts on Blogger with LinkWithin

If you have been blogging for some time, you might have notice that your older content need a promotional strategy to get more eyes into it. Obviously, your SEO strategies may help new readers discover your content through search engines, internal links will invite readers to keep engaged, and effective navigation aid them to explore your older content. Got more strategies to keep your readers engaged with older content?

March 16, 2014

Protect Your Facebook Account with Bitdefender Safego

If you are on Facebook, you do know you can expose to different kind of threats which may even compromise your account. Even you have taken all the Internet security precautions and secured your Facebook account through available settings, you are still exposed to the content shared by your friends and followers. Hence, still one single click can ruin all your efforts and vulnerable the security of your account.

March 2, 2014

Record and Share Your Screen Instantly with Screenr

Screen capturing can be fun and helpful. I'm not talking about still screenshots, but live in action. Imagine a friend of yours need a help on figuring out steps in a collaborative project. You can share your screen with him at that moment to show what needs to be done. But if you can produce a screencast, it is reusable and come in handy to many others having the same issue. "Fun and Helpful". Don't you think?

February 16, 2014

How to Enable Domain Redirection in Blogger

Are you almost established your blog on a custom domain? Mmm... Looking forward to? Great! If you are an early friend or follower of Mayura4Ever, you might recall moving this blog to a custom domain after about one and half year of survival on blogspot subdomain - mayura4ever.blogspot.com. Does this domain name makes sense at all? Wrong question, kiddo! ;)