Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts

December 9, 2012

How to Create a Community on Google+

Where do you spend most of your time? Ugh... It's none of my business. Well, on what social network do you spend most of your time? Social Media is about connecting people. People start leaving one social network and start loving another if it offers competitive and brilliant features. Of course, you can be on multiple social networks if they have different exclusive features. However I'm not here to tell you what social network is the best. We find like-minded people online as they interested in same topics as we are. We see them at places we go, hear about them via friends, sometimes they come and knock our doors or vise versa, and most possibly there will be an extraction point. But it may be a long story. Do you like hanging out with many like-minded people online? AND are you on Google+? Oh... One last question - Did you just say "YES" for both?

December 6, 2012

How to Download Photos and Albums in Picasa Web Albums

Have you been fond of using Picasa? Picasa is a software you can use to edit and manage your photos. It's not an advanced image editor like Photoshop but it has image editing capabilities within its limitations. I think you may have heard of it and I just mentioned about it to help you familiar with this topic. Though Picasa is a software, Picasa Web Albums is a photo sharing website which also integrates with Picasa. Picasa Web Albums let you store and share images or videos online, and it acts as an online storage to host your images or videos. Have you been using Picasa Web Albums? Did you just said "NO"?

December 3, 2012

Display Instagram Photos on Your Website with SnapWidget

Do you take photos with Instagram? Instagram is a photo sharing platform and can be defined as a social network where users can engage with other Instagram users. Now this one gonna come in handy if you are already on Instagram and managing a blog or website. Else, of course you can try it out after having an account and playing with photos on Instagram. Dear Instagram fans, did you ever wanted to show off Instagram photos on your blog or website?

November 28, 2012

How to Add Google+ Followers Gadget in Blogger

We almost know about Google+ social platform now and it's the social platform offered by Google. Google+ has been improving over time since it started in 2011 and still does as social networks are very dynamic and need to be competitive in order to survive. As Google+ emerges on the web, it has been integrating more deeper into Google products and we have been witnessing how Google+ affects on some of Google products such as Google Search, Google Reader etc. Blogger is another product of Google which comes as a blogging platform and lately it has been associating with Google+ social layer too. We did talk about adding Google+ Badge for Blogger once it has been introduced. What if you can show off your Google+ followers altogether while letting readers add you to their circles?

November 26, 2012

How to Set Up a Pinterest Business Account

Pinterest is known as a virtual pinboard where you can share and manage online images and videos you find online. Most probably you have been using it to collect beautiful and interesting stuff your find online and so far there could be numerous boards and pins you are having in your personal account. Pinterest is a tremendous service which hits online users with an innovative idea and people loved the way it works. Unlike other social profiles, Pinterest personal accounts could be used for businesses without a doubt as it was all about pinning. A personal profile with business name on it just do that for businesses. Isn't it?

November 23, 2012

How to Set Up Who Can Read Your Blog in Blogger

Have you heard of a blog seeking no readers at all? Mmm... No, I haven't. Eventhough we all blog for different reasons, we are expecting at least one person to read what we have been sharing, right? Usually blogs are accessible for anyone exploring the web. But there could be scenarios where you might not wanna share what you blog about with everyone else in the world. Sounds like a private space, isn't it? Anyway, Have you been thinking of restricting your blog from others?

November 19, 2012

Create a Simple Android Application for Your Site with AppsGeyser

The mobile platform is getting more and more popular everyday with latest technological advancements. Most of users now using mobile devices and it's almost mobile era. Don't we see smartphones, tablets everywhere now? Well, if you are managing a blog or website, have you ever thought of this factor? Absolutely, I know many of you has mobile version of your blog or website to be compatible with mobile devices, isn't it? If not, now it's time for you to think about it. Well, how about building your own app for your blog or website? So your readers can check out your content instantly via their mobile devices without entering your site URL always. Isn't it?

November 16, 2012

Why Link or URL Preview Not Working on Facebook?

Hmm... Now social sharing is very common. Isn't it? Social Media helps us to connect with our friends and family very quickly and easily. As we explore online and find very interesting content, we tend to share them with our friends on social networks. Well, what if you are a blogger? Then you have to share your own content with your friends and subscribers, right? It could be any social network you are engaged in. Let me narrow down here. Do you share links on Facebook or like online content using Facebook Like button? Can you recall a day that Facebook couldn't able to populate the preview of the link you have been sharing or liking?

November 12, 2012

How to Edit and Create Videos with YouTube Video Editor

Do you create videos? If you do, probably you upload them on YouTube and share with your subscribers and friends online. YouTube is a popular platform to share videos online and once you uploaded your videos there, sharing is nothing more than copying and pasting. But it doesn't offer video editing capabilities much. Is that what you have heard of it? Well, what if you wanna edit and remix your uploaded videos and produce a whole new video to for a change and share with your friends online? Ugh... YouTube allows that? Mmm... Have you heard of YouTube Video Editor?

November 6, 2012

Do You Make Use of HTML Header Tags?

When you write blog posts or articles online, the flow and format of the post is very important. If you are just writing and writing never ending posts or articles, it will sometimes overwhelm your readers though it has very good information. You can just read through your post once or twice before its being published and it may ring your bell. I don't believe writing posts just using text is can claimed as bad. It's about keeping reader attention attached to your writing. Here, I'm gonna talk about an element which could help guide readers and structure your writing - Headings. Have you been using headings in your posts or articles?

November 2, 2012

Analyze and Manage Your Twitter Followers with Tweepi

Are you on Twitter? Technically, Twitter is a micro-blogging platform to communicate and engage with others people on the platform. Generally, we use Twitter to tweet 'cause tweets can't tweet on elsewhere though some social networks starting to follow Twitter techniques on their platforms too ;) I'm just kidding.

October 29, 2012

Embedding a YouTube Video on Your Blog

Embedding YouTube Videos

When you are maintaining a blog, you know that 'a picture tells more than a thousand words'. Using pictures adds readability to your blog. It makes the whole reading experience better for your visitors. A video adds even more to the fun, provided it adds value to your posts subject.

October 22, 2012

How to Get Your Comments Approved

Wait... Let me guess, you are either a blogger or an online reader, orrrrr both. Aren’t you? Anyway, as you go through a weblog, you can see a comment form beneath blog posts. The comment form is the best way for blog visitors to interact with the author and to share their opinions. You are always welcome to share your opinions on mine ;) Eventhough you can write anything on a comment form, it doesn't mean you should write anything and submit. There is a reason why you see comment forms beneath the blog posts, not somewhere above the post. Wondering why?

October 18, 2012

Report Low Quality Backlinks to Your Website with Google Disavow Links Tool

Have you heard of the term "Backlinks" or "Inbound Links"? They has the same meaning. Backlinks are incoming links aka hyperlinks to your web pages. For example, if someone adds a hyperlink on their article which points to one of your blog posts, then he/she linking back to your page. Simply, it makes a connection with your blog. Usually, we mention a link in a blog, website, forum or whatever web page if it's important to the topic we have been talking or like to recommend it for visitors. Aren't we?

October 14, 2012

How to Enable Autoplay for Your Embedded YouTube Videos

Nowadays YouTube is a popular term among Internet users as they speak of online video sharing. Everyone use Internet knows what is YouTube due to its popularity as a video sharing website. If you are seeking for online videos, YouTube is the first brand name comes in to your mind. Isn't it? Videos uploaded on YouTube are easy to share among users and the best use for bloggers and webmasters is that YouTube videos can be easily embedded on their pages. However as we embed a video on a page, we expect visitors to click on the play control to start watching. But there can be some occasions where we need videos to be auto-play without any user response as they land on our pages. Don't we?

October 11, 2012

How to Change Post Date Header Format in Blogger

Blogger is a free blog publishing service help bloggers to spread their voice over the world. It doesn't matter what platform you are in, still you are fond of personalization. You will change particular settings available to find best matching on your blog and theme. Else you will apply changes and tweak your template or theme referring to external sources. Have you been customizing your Blogger template lately? As you explore through your template, one element you can find is the post date header. It's an element which reflects the published date of your posts. Would you like to touch and customize the date header on your blog?

October 8, 2012

Use Images to Find Information on the Web with Google Image Search

Would you agree if I say Internet itself is a information resource? The Internet is build up of interconnected networks connecting billions of users worldwide. As Internet flooded with information, unlike searching information on a book, finding information throughout the Internet is a very, very and very difficult task. How do you find information on the Internet? That's where Search Engines start to play the main role of the story. We all familiar with search engines and use to find information everyday. Basically, to find information, you would enter some relevant keywords or terms in the search box and hit enter waiting for matching search results to explore and find the necessary details you need to find. What if you wanna search details of an image you have seen on somewhere or stored in your computer?

October 3, 2012

How to Change Your Blog Address in Blogger

You know how to create a blog on Blogger platform, without any doubt. Obviously, Blogger is not operated with the availability of massive built-in plugins where you can click and add right into your blog. But there are many choices and still it's much HTML friendly, so you can add any third party HTML / JavaScript based plugins very easily. It's true that quality content matters in a blog for readers to embrace the blog as a valuable resource. In addition to content, have you ever been thinking about your blog address? I mean, URL of your blog. Do you wanna change your blog address you have chosen initially when you create your blog?

October 1, 2012

Create Transparent Effect for Your Images on Mouse Hover

Have you been using images on your blog or website? I believe whether you are a blogger or a webmaster, you are familiar with the usage of images on a site. There is a higher tendency that visitors spend more of their time on pages with images or such media, instead of text-only pages. Isn't it obvious that our eyes go straight to images and styles on a web page as we scan through the page? Now think, where would you use images on your blog or website? Can be anywhere - in posts, on header, on sidebar or even on footer. They can be banners, sponsor advertisements, follow buttons, site header or such common elements. Rather than displaying them with a static motion, wouldn't you love to add a cool effect for such images to improve visibility and grab more attention of your visitors?

September 24, 2012

How to Export Your Profile Information on LinkedIn

How much information you have been fetching into your LinkedIn profile lately? LinkedIn is a social network for professionals to meet up, exchange knowledge and ideas, build long-term business relationships and to stay connected with each other and interested companies. Therefore LinkedIn profile is not like other usual social profiles, where you list your favorite movies, artists and everything personal.